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+95 points
+60 points
+52 points
+48 points
+48 points
+48 points
+46 points
+44 points
+36 points
+30 points
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Registered Users: 149117
Debates Created: 123890
Arguments Written: 923936
Votes Cast: 1560819

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Debates are determined to be popular by CreateDebate's Most Heated algorithm, which considers a number of variables, including the freshness of the debate, the number of arguments and votes, and the diversity of participation.
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Winning Position: Los momentos deportivos más memorables de Venezuela
Winning Position: best way to win the lottery
Winning Position: التسجيل على Melbet
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Winning Position: I'm an entrepreneur
Winning Position: as
Winning Position: best designer
Winning Position: yes it has
Winning Position: Lottery Spell Caster in USA +27655320351 Choose the Best Lottery Spells That Work Immediat
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Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved
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